Certified Dyans is an exceptional trio in the world of music. This group of talented Amapiano music producers and DJs hails from the picturesque city of Cape Town, situated in the Western Cape. Proudly signed to the renowned Mathiclan events record label, Certified Dyans consists of three extraordinary individuals – Khona Daki, Lulwando Tose, and Azania Mfinyongo – each contributing their distinct flair and skills to the collective success.
Embarking on a Musical Journey
At the tender ages of 20 and 21, Khona, Lulwando, and Azania have already garnered widespread recognition within the music industry. As students at the esteemed Cape Peninsula University of Technology, they diligently pursue their passion for music while honing their craft to perfection.
Collaborating with Icons
The trio’s talent has earned them the privilege of working alongside industry giants, including Leon Lee, the illustrious creator of the hit track “Mang’dakiwe,” and Mr. Brown, the Zimbabwean producer who is now collaborating with the legendary Akon. Together, they have produced some of the most sensational Amapiano tracks, such as “Yebo!!! Ft Jaegermeister hitt makers Sbuda Maleather & Ice Beats Slide and Boibizza,” “Abafana” ft Sbuda Maleather, and their chart-topping hit “031,” which was released in March 2023.
A Social Media Phenomenon
Certified Dyans boasts a robust presence on social media platforms, amassing a devoted following of 29,000 on their Instagram account. Fans can stay up-to-date with the group’s latest music releases and thrilling performances through their Instagram handle, @Certified_dyans.
The Mathiclan Events Label – A Stepping Stone to Greatness
Under the guidance of the Mathiclan events record label, Certified Dyans has been able to showcase their exceptional talent to a broader audience. This fruitful collaboration promises a future filled with even more remarkable music. With an unwavering dedication and an unyielding passion for their art, this gifted trio undeniably commands attention within the Amapiano music scene.
Certified Dyans is a force to be reckoned with – a trio of prodigies on an unstoppable journey of musical excellence. Their unmatched skills, relentless dedication, and the power of collaboration with industry giants have catapulted them to the forefront of the Amapiano genre. As their fan base continues to grow and their music reaches new heights, it is clear that the rise of Certified Dyans is an extraordinary tale worth following closely. Keep an eye on these rising stars, for they are destined for greatness in the realm of Amapiano music.
FACEBOOK: Certified Dyans.  TWITTER: @certified_dyans INSTAGRAM: certified_dyans
EMAIL: booking@mathiclanevents.co.z. | TEL: 0798309224