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There’s no shadow of a doubt, Bebi Philip is a talented young composer from the ivory land. The finesse of his keys and his perfectly worked beats are worth him today the pseudonym of arranger with very sought-after fingers.

Bebi Philip has his future ahead of him and is aware that glory is at the end of the effort.

Bebi Philipe comes from a Christian music family; His father is a guitarist. He thus made his first steps in the arrangement through the musical group to which he belonged. Thus, he took charge of the arrangement of the hymns and pieces of the musical group of his parish. The love of the thing and the talent helped, He enrolls in the INSA to perfect his talent. “I went to INSAC to learn to read and write music,” he explains.

By force of perseverance and abnegation, he ends up making a reputation in the middle of the showbiz, through the artists he arranged. Bebi, a drummer today, he is one of the renowned musicians in Côte d’Ivoire.

The list of artists coming out of his stable is long. There are Kédjévara, Molare, Jimmy Sissoko, DJ Lewis, and Antoinette Allany ,He says he is very happy and very accomplished to practice this profession because it is the fruit of a passion, a colossal work that he knocks down since childhood.

Bebi Philippe attaches great importance to perseverance at work. He advises young brothers to work. “You have to take what you do seriously. For example, I worked to be at this level. I have a talent innate certainly, but I also perfected this talent. I did music school to achieve a better level. And that’s the job. We must work because it is in the sweat of his brow that man earns his bread. ” Regarding the pejorative judgment that one has of the shifted coupé, N’guessan Amessan thinks that the albums that it has arranged are of quality, and on this, the unanimity is made.

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Therefore, his music can not be termed noise, although he acknowledges that some workers cut off shift leave much to be desired in terms of their quality. Good relations with his elders For Bebi Philippe, to evolve, we must respect the elders, we must remain humble. And to do so, he has very good relations with his elders, Koudou Athanase, David Tayorault and Totorino, Freddy Assogba, and Laurent L … for whom he has a great deal of respect and admiration for their professionalism and their support for young people.

As for Freddy Assogba, Bebi Philippe asserts that he is his master and not his adversary as tended to suggest by the rumors. To finish a title, Bebi says it takes three sessions. So, thanks to the great inspiration God gives him, he works to produce the best of himself. His biggest regret The greatest regret of the arranger with the magic fingers dates from 2008 when he lost a significant number of pieces (the files were erased) by the fault of badly intentioned individuals.

It was this huge loss of data that made some people say that he “fell” (forfeiture). Since no album outputs (arrangements), the arranger is not at their best. Fortunately, Bebi Philippe returns to its best level with its recent outings that are strong cardboard.


FACEBOOK: Bebi Philip TWITTER: @bebiphilip INSTAGRAM: bebi_philip


EMAIL: | TEL: +225 78 47 11 28



#Official Music Videos & Performances by Bebi Philip





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1 Comment

Angelo Busta Biography, Music, Videos, Booking - ProfileAbility · November 20, 2022 at 9:17 am

[…] Angelo Busta has worked with a number of Ivorian musicians, including Kedjevara, DJ Mix, Serge Beynaud, Debordo, Revolution, Magnific, and Bebi Philipp. […]

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