Yarden-born Okereke Jordan is an emerging Nigerian artist whose sound is heavily influenced by vintage classics to create his unique new generation sound that makes him stand out sonically, something his audience phrases as “his music has a soul”.
Meticulously creating a reputation for himself in Nigeria’s thriving music scene, the budding act’s fluid use of harmonic cadences, coupled with his soft vocal texture and easy lyricism, makes him an interesting prospect in the ever-burgeoning music industry. Based on the Yin and Yang theory, which holds that “contrary forces are complementary,” Yarden’s sound and energy are described as “split” in the sense that there is both light and darkness, happiness and despair, and these pairings of emotions can be felt in all of Yarden’s releases.
Given his exceptional musicianship and prowess as well as his distinct musical style, Yarden has consistently been referred to as one of the extremely gifted performers to watch out for.
FACEBOOK: Yarden TWITTER: @thisisyarden INSTAGRAM: @thisisyarden
EMAIL: @thisisyarden