Nelson Chiedozie Omulu, also known as Highstar, is a skilled and emerging Nigerian Afro-pop singer and rapper from the Awgu local government area of Enugu state.
Highstar, who was born on September 11, 1999, has established himself as one of the greatest up-and-coming artists in the east who is to be recognized. Highstar is well-known for his unwavering devotion to music.
He began his music career in 2019 after graduating from secondary school in 2018. He then joined Enugu 042 to further his music career.
He chose to release his debut single, named “My Early Life,” on February 15th, 2019, after spending a lot of time rapping and singing. He then followed up with his second single, “Nyem aka,” a vibe-infused track that piqued people’s attention in him.
Kosi – 2021
Judas – 2021
Checkmate – 2020
Kpor Police – 2020
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FACEBOOK: Highstar Lavista TWITTER: @highstarlavista INSTAGRAM: highstarlavista