Doing his best to define the sound of Egyptian drill, explosive Egyptian rapper Ziad Zaza brings intense and fiery themes of strength, energy, passion, and dedication with his strong lyrical prowess, which embodies his varied style.
In his most recent album, “El Rays”, the cutting-edge rapper Ziad Zaza explores a range of well-known genres with a strong focus on the drill. While posing certain auditory challenges to various drill-related clichés, the album adopts a little more understated style to the genre. Zaza accomplishes this with sparse bass lines, minimal drum programming, and a focus on aggressively sampling, giving this ambitious project an experimental undertone and a self-contained sound.
As he begins an exciting new chapter in his career and sets his sights on dominating the world, this new project presents the rapper in a fresh new way.
FACEBBOK: Ziad Zaza TWITTER: @ziadzazaa INSTAGRAM: @ziiadzaza
EMAIL: @ziadzazaa