Fueled by his musical passion, Abo Sahar has created a world for himself that he allows others to enter. His confidence in what he does keeps him from succumbing to an unnamed dread in this bustling, spiritual world.
Hailing from the Upper Egyptian city of El Minya, where he began creating his own DIY version of Electro-Chaabi that he calls “Trobby,” Abo Sahar is poised to take his music even further than he could ever have conceived.
Abo Sahar’s self-coined electronic genre, “Trobby,” is heavily influenced by his youth and memories in upper Egypt. His works blend authentic and contemporary music, creating a whole new wave that genuinely encompasses your inner nature.
FACEBOOK: Abo Sahar    TWITTER: @DjABOsahar     INSTAGRAM: @abosahardj
EMAIL: abosaharyourdj@gmail.com