Having debuted in the Ghanaian industry as a renowned gospel singer, performer, songwriter, record producer, and multi-instrumentalist, Nacee, a coined acronym for Nana Sei, has a perfect understanding of everything involved in songwriting, arrangement, composition, recording, mixing, and mastering of music.
He’s been in the sound recording industry for decades, and he’s had a lot of success producing popular songs and winning awards for his work. His musical talent is undeniable, and he has a sizable fan base all around the world.
Nacee is also the main vocalist of “No Tribe,” an inspiring music group. Nacee has a strong desire to dispel the myth that gospel music should just be about spirituality and not be a source of guidance.
His music is based on contemporary and indigenous African rhythms, with flawless rolling drum beats, rhythm, superb arrangement, and a silky vocal over.
Generic selectors Exact matches only Search in title Search in content Post Type Selectors Scomebagg, born Isaac Desu on June 29, is a rising star in the music scene, known for his unique style and Read more…
Generic selectors Exact matches only Search in title Search in content Post Type Selectors Kobik Frederick, also known by his stage name Erd, is a “still small voice” with a living word for a dying Read more…
Josh Blakk, born in Accra, Ghana, has always defied limitations, with his upbringing profoundly shaping his creative journey. Raised in a Christian home, music served as his cornerstone. Starting piano lessons at the age of seven, he soon found himself leading music at church.